Love Marriage is Right For You?

love marriage

Marriage is a hot topic right now. As you are committing yourself forever to one person. You might be wondering whether a love marriage is right for you, or if you should go the arranged marriage route. Whatever may be the case, this blog will answer your questions. As we have seen in many cases, some charts are inclined naturally towards love marriage whereas in others, it is best to go with arranged marriage route. Let’s see which chart placement becomes the deciding factor in understanding whether yours will be a love marriage or arrange marriage. Watch this video on love marriage by Mr. Deepanshu Giri for more clarity

Placements For Love Marriage

There are specific placements which indicate love marriage. They are as follows 

  1. Conjunction of 5th and 7th lord in any house

When the 5th lord of romance and love conjuncts with the 7th lord of marriage, then there’s love marriage. 

  1. 5th lord in 7th or 7th lord in 5th 

Even if your 5th and 7th lord aren’t together in one house, if the 5th lord goes into 7th or vice versa, then chances of love marriage increases. 

  1. Rahu’s Connection to the 5th or 7th House

Rahu represents unconventional or out-of-the-box experiences. If Rahu is associated with the 5th or 7th house, or if it respects their lords, it may indicate a love marriage, often breaking traditional or societal norms.

Success Factor For Relationships 

While there are factors that can lead to failures of a relationship, there are also several relationships’ success factors too. Let’s check out a few of them. 

  1. Unafflicted 7th lord

If your 7th lord is not afflicted by malefic means, it is not sitting with 6th, 8th, 12th lord or aspecting by cruel planets like Saturn or Mars then generally relationships are much smoother in life. 

  1. 7th lord looking at 1st,5th,9th lords or house

Trines aka 1st, 5th and 9th are laxmi or bhagya sthans. So, when your 7th lord looks at these houses, it increases your luck after getting married and even the relationship goes much smoothly.

  1. A Strong Venus

Venus represents love, passion, and harmony in relationships. If Venus is well-placed in your chart, without affliction from malefic planets, it strengthens your ability to build and maintain fulfilling relationships. A strong Venus ensures mutual respect, affection, and shared values between partners.

  1. Positive Influence of the Moon

The Moon governs emotions and mental peace. A stable and unafflicted Moon in your chart helps in maintaining emotional balance in relationships. When partners are emotionally secure, misunderstandings and conflicts are minimized, paving the way for a lasting relationship.

When Will Marriage Give You Issues 

Not all marriages are rosy. Some marriages can make natives go through hell. However, when checking the quality of marriage, you have to be very careful because one placement doesn’t describe the state of your marriage. Like several people have made you in life, you will need involvement from more than one house and planet to cause issues in married life. Here we have given some of the tough placements which can give issues.

  1. 7th lord in 12th house, aspected by malefics 

When 7th lord goes in 12th, it can lead to losses as 12th house is of losses. However, this is just one part. You must check the malefic aspects of 7th lord to ruin the relationship.  Is it aspected by 6th, 8th, 12th lord or Rahu/Mars/Saturn. 

  1. 5th lord connected with 6th, 8th, 12th 

If 5th lord is connected with 6th, 8th, 12th lord then native will face issues in love marriage. Meaning, there will be constant obstacles if you try to go the love marriage route. 

What Kind of Partner You Will Get

Birth charts can be pretty accurate in describing the quality of your spouse. The partner you will get depends on the rashi falling in 7th, planet in 7th and of course 7th lord. 

  1. If Saturn sits in your 7th house/ Or Capricorn or Aquarius falls in 7th 

If Saturn is in the seventh house, you know that your partner will try to bring stability into your life, earn you respect, connect you with your roots and heritage, and keep you grounded. That’s the role of Saturn if it’s the lord of the seventh house.” If Saturn is involved, they’ll be the one to explain things to you. “Don’t rush things; take your time and work steadily. It’ll gradually elevate your status—that’s the influence of Saturn. If the Sun is in the seventh house,

  1. Sun in 7th House/Leo in 7th

It’s like the Sun saying, ‘Alright, my job is to keep you disciplined in your marriage, and I’ll keep working on that for you.’. When the Sun falls on the 7th, then you can expect your partner to be hardy, which means they will behave somewhat egotistically as the Sun is king. 

  1. Jupiter in 7th/Sagittarius or Pisces in 7th

There’s a misconception that Jupiter in the 7th is not good, the native should not marry. However, one placement doesn’t define the quality of your entire marriage. When Jupiter is 7th lord or comes in 7th house, the partner will bring in religion, principles and all dharmic things into marriage. They motivate you and complete you, as the seventh house is always about completion and support. 

  1. Moon in 7th house/Cancer in 7th 

If Cancer is not afflicted, then it will give an emotional and nurturing spouse. The spouse will act like a mother. Whereas, if it’s afflicted, then the spouse can have trouble opening his emotions and can be moody. 

  1. Mercury in 7th/Gemini or Virgo in 7th 

The agenda of Mercury is not marriage. It wants to play because its a young prince in astrology. So, the spouse you will get will be somewhat childlike. Will love doing fun or adventurous things. However, with this placement, there can be lack of emotional fulfillment as the spouse is always in intellectual mode.

  1. Venus in 7th/Taurus or Libra in 7th 

This is quite good placement as the karak of marriage is Venus, so naturally you will have a soft-spoken spouse. They will carry a certain kind of charm, and have effluent speech. 

  1. Rahu/Ketu in 7th house

People think it means you won’t get along well with your partner. And if Rahu is in the seventh house, they say that person has relationships all over the place. But that’s not true. Rahu and Ketu are foreign planets. Hence, if Rahu and Ketu fall in 7th, they can bring an unconventional effect to the marriage and the person will not follow general society rules for marriage. Spouses can also belong to different communities or even countries. 

How to Decide if Love Marriage is Right for You

If you’re unsure whether to choose love marriage, here are some tips:

  1. Analyze Emotional Compatibility
    Check if your partner understands your emotions deeply. Emotional compatibility is a cornerstone of a successful love marriage. Birth charts also show emotional compatibility of the couple. 
  2. Evaluate Family Approval
    While love marriage often challenges societal norms, finding a balance between personal choice and family support can ease the journey.
  3. Astrological Consultation
    Seek guidance from a trusted astrologer to understand your chart’s inclination toward love marriage. You can consult expert astrologers from Lunar Astro to seek guidance on love marriage. 


Deciding between love and arranged marriage is deeply personal, influenced by cultural beliefs, emotional compatibility, and individual goals. Astrology offers a fascinating lens to understand the factors guiding your marital journey, helping you uncover whether love marriage aligns with your destiny or if the arranged route resonates better with your chart placements.

Ultimately, the best decision is one that balances your desires, emotional needs, and practical realities. Whether you choose love or arranged marriage, understanding the astrological influences on your relationship can provide clarity and confidence in your choice.

Want to know if your birth chart supports a love marriage? Curious about what the stars say about your future partner? Watch Lunar Astro’s video on love marriage for deeper insights, or book a consultation with Lunar Astro’s expert astrologers to get a detailed reading and personalized advice.


Q1. What are the astrological signs of a love marriage?

A: Specific placements, such as the conjunction of the 5th and 7th lords or Rahu’s influence, indicate a high possibility of a love marriage.

Q2. Is love marriage better than arranged marriage?

A: A love marriage allows partners to bond emotionally and understand each other before committing, but the decision depends on individual and cultural factors.

Q3. How can astrology help in choosing love marriage or arranged marriage?

A: Astrology provides insights into emotional, mental, and spiritual compatibility, helping you decide whether a love marriage aligns with your destiny.

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